Painter Artist
1947 - 2022
Georges Coulomb: Painter Artist
GEORGES COULOMB was born in 1947 in Port-de-Bouc, in Provence where he still lives. A self-taught man, he firsttried his hand at sculpture then started painting in 1970. Georges Coulomb is figurative ,expressionist comtemporary artist painter from Provence (France)
It's the sea horizon, the canal which runs in his area, the sea and the local fish trade which inspire him. As well as the little village of Varages, in the Var "department", where he used to spend his holidays as a child because it's where his family originates. There he could enjoy watshing the fields, the vineyard,the shepherd, the harvests and the grapepicking group. He is one of the founding members of a local painter and sculptor group named "Formes et Couleurs" (Shapes and Colors). They often organize meetings, debates and exhibitions. He is also one of the driving force of the Beaux Arts Mediterranean Salon which have attracted local and national famous painters and sculptors for over 50 years.